Most of the developed world has healthcare for all, in some form or another. As someone who frequently bleeds my heart all over the world, I can relate to the inclination to love it when we move that direction. Arguments against socialism and centralized control aside, for the moment, let’s assume that healthcare for all is a great thing and that The Affordable Healthcare Act, “Obamacare”, was a positive move in that direction.

As a teacher, one of the first changes we were told was coming down the chute was NOT any increase in funding for our dangerously understaffed district medical staff, a chronic issue nationwide, but WAS an increase in…..student psychological profiling.

Huh? That doesn’t seem like the help we were hoping for.

This insidious trend is not just rearing it’s fangs in the school system, but also on the home-front. More on that later.

So, initially, we were told that we would get more funding and support for students with mental health issues. This sounds great, honestly. If students could have access to emotional support and actual therapy, I would be very happy. I would be happy for anyone with this access. But I began to see the trend would not, in fact, offer more therapy to students, but would instead just mandate more teacher reporting of suspected individuals with mental health issues.

Without training to identify those issues.

So, we would be profiling using our super biased and horribly judgmental natures. Super religious teachers might report atheists or Satanists and really crunchy, preppy teachers might report punk or goth students. Who knows?! There’s no training or accountability – only reporting!

It didn’t seem to take, though. I never heard about it again, after the initial sort of morning-meeting talk that this would be coming at us from a federal level. It didn’t seem to pan out. I sighed with relief.

Then, I heard about the Every Student Succeeds Act. These acts all sound so very good! Who doesn’t want every student to succeed! Yes! Let’s fund that! But wait, aren’t we supposed to be opposed, morally and ethically, to testing on subjects who haven’t been informed and given consent?

a physician in New Hampshire, exposed the use of a highly controversial psych test being forced on students in the state as part of the “social and emotional learning” (SEL) scheming of the federal ESSA bill

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want the government assessing, analyzing, and tracking information on my kids. I don’t know if I know anyone who does.

Under the scheme, teachers are supposed to fill out an assessment every month consisting of 72 questions for each child. Questions include whether the student copes well with “mean comments” and “insults,” and how often the child carries himself “with confidence.” The student’s views on things like “diversity” are also gathered. The responses are tracked over time.

It just slides in, nice and easy while we aren’t looking. The trend is clear and it is increasing, if ever so subtly.

Most recently, we have a state-mandated Signs of Suicide (SOS) module that students have to opt-out of in order to avoid. This is at the High School level, for me. I am not sure if it is also at other levels. Very nefariously, the entire letter of explanation that was “sent home” to parents has no mention of any kind of psychological profiling or tracking. Here’s the letter:

Notice what it says it is intended for:

  • To help students understand that suicide is a treatable illness
  • To explain that suicide is a preventable tragedy that often occurs as a result of untreated depression
  • To provide students training in how to identify serious depression and potential suicide risk in themselves or a friend
  • To impress upon youth that they can help themselves or a friend by taking the simple step of talking to a trusted adult about their concerns
  • To teach students who they can turn to at school for help, if they need it

That all sounds really nice. It warms our hearts. No red flags, there. Also no mention of profiling or tracking. As a teacher who’s been through many types of opt-in and opt-out permission slip rodeos I know a few things:

  1. Most slips never get home in the first place
  2. Most parents will do the minimal possible
  3. Almost no opt-out slips ever come back, no matter the activity

All teachers know this. That is why, when we want to show an ‘R’ rated movie and don’t want any guff about it, we send opt-out slips home. Most won’t reach their intended audience and, even when a few do, they will never come back. No one wants to take the time if it’s not required.

Hats off, then, for the choice of opt-out in this SOS module. Nice move, overlords.

Then, if someone actually makes it to the second page, the opt-out signature form, they will see this:

Did you catch it?

I…do NOT give permission for my son/daughter…to be screened for depression…

Ain’t that some bullshit? I didn’t even notice it until AFTER I had passed these out, dutifully, to my lovely little humans.  Once I did notice, I came right back the next day and asked them all to pay specific attention to that part.

I have to walk this line, you know? I have to hide my personal views from the masses so as to be able to maintain my role in this deadening system and try to pry the minds of these enslaved children open with my bloody fingers. So I can’t just come out and say, “Yo! They’re after your minds! Watch out!” Instead, I have to try really hard, now after the fact and at a moment when none of them care what I’m talking about, to draw their attention to the nefarious danger.

They pulled that shit on purpose, you know? They hid it on the second page. Nowhere on the entire letter, which is supposed to inform people of what they’re getting into, does it say they’ll be screened for any mental illness.


We can assume this information will be tracked, or what would be the point of screening?

Coming in under the guise of preventing suicide makes it really difficult to decline. Who wouldn’t want to prevent suicide? Refuse that and you become a Nazi like everyone else society has decided to punch and hate.

And if they aren’t going to get the information they want at school, if they somehow fail to indoctrinate the little ones to their worldview, then they’ll get parents to do it themselves, happily, dutifully.

The gist is, if your kid questions, has an open mind, thinks critically, or in any way wonders if there’s another way to look at something – KILL THAT INSTINCT FAST. If blunt force doesn’t do it, medicate the fuck out of them. Either way, make them safe and pliable and harmless. Good slave.  Gooooooooood slave.

Forget that false flags like Operation Gladio and Northwoods are public and documented, forget that we are regularly tested on against our wills, without our knowledge or consent. Forget that the government will kill and bomb and destroy entire neighborhoods and families if they don’t get their way. Forget that we have hundreds and hundreds of years of evidence that governments should not be trusted and that it is intelligent to question everything you can.

Forget, sleep, submit, medicate, conform and, most of all, don’t question.

Keeping your mind, body, and soul healthy is the first step to resisting psychological control! Find the spagyrics, remedies, and supplements at Phoenix Aurelius’ lab and apothecary to get that small-batch, hand-crafted, and wild-crafted health boost you’re looking for!


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