Everything has polarity in the universe. Our bodies are no exception. We have a feminine pole and a masculine pole.  We are like a battery or a magnet, in this way.

These polarities arrange into an array of chakra and energetic structures and points that have strong correlations to the numbers 3, 6, and 9. Friends of Nikola Tesla will be unsurprised to hear it.

This structure honors the heart as the central vortex, the two poles of our being, the masculine and feminine attributes of our being, and the holy trinity that we embody and is mirrored everywhere, throughout the universe. 

You start to see the flower of life, sacred geometry, emanating out from our body. We can now clearly see Tesla’s THREE, SIX and NINE.

A synchronous image came across my path as I pondered these patterns:


These patterns also inform us of vortex mathematics. Take a gander:



So, we can see that NINE informs us of both EVERYTHING and NOTHING. We also know we are polar beings, like magnets. We have our north and south, our feminine and masculine, our root and crown. If we imagine our two poles are, right now, repelling one another, in a sort of balance, with our heart in the vortex between polarities, we can see the circular and toroidal pattern of the flower of life once again emanating from us in yet one more way. Watch in the video below how, energetically, what happens when we flip our poles to come together instead of repel…



If you go inside yourself deeply enough, fracturing apart all that your spherical vortex core can fractal down to, can you find the connection inside of you and flip it back out into a  never-ending explosion of enlightened beingness?

You are vibration, no matter whether you look at it: esoterically, Hermetically, scientifically, atomically…You never stop moving. You are energy, no matter which way you look at it: esoterically, Hermetically, scientifically, atomically. You never stop conducting. You have not always been aware of your energy’s movement and source. What happens when you are and you direct it as you will?

Whole universes are born of such enlightenment.



Here is a meditative visualization from Nassim Haramein that can help you integrate your understandings and utilize your energies:

Consider your own body being made mostly of space. Close your eyes and experience the space that you’re made of and the space around you vibrating like a crystal. Then imagine that the rate of vibration of your biocrystal structure in the structure of the vacuum is equivalent to the information pouring in and out of you, in the same way that a crystal radio set tuned to a certain frequency allows you to hear a specific radio station. In the body, if the brain is the antennae of the radio set, the tuning dial is the heart, which defines the frequency of information received through the fluid dynamics rhythm of your body, and which can be altered by your emotional state.


Life is a balance of holding on and letting go. – Rumi



Traveling, feeling easy

Feeling freedom

in my mind.

Sliding, past the dawn

into space

Past the threshold

of all time…

-Kenny Brown


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